CubuSynth - VCLFO v2 (DIY)
CubuSynth - VCLFO v2 (DIY)
DIY version of the CubuSynth VCLFO v2
Difficulty Level: 4/10
Build Time: 1~2 hours
Low component count, SMD Pre-soldered
Component count: 32
The CubuSynth VCLFO v2 is a Complex voltage controlled Low frequency oscillator, with 16 Waveforms, Step control (Sample&Hold style), LFO Sync / Reset, CV control over Frequency, Amplitude, Waveform, Frequency multiplier, Skew and Step Rate.
• 16 Waveforms selectable in two Banks of 8
• Frequency range: 0.05Hz to 12.8Hz (102.4Hz with multiplier x8)
• 6 CV inputs for Multiplier, Frequency, Step Rate, Skew, Waveform and Level
• "Sync" Input for LFO reset, or Step Sync
• 3 outputs:
Uni-Polar (0 to +5V),
Bi-Polar inverted (+5V to 5V / 10Vpp) and
Bi-Polar normal ( 5V to +5V / 10Vpp)
• Size: 10 HP / 50 mm
• Depth: 2 4 mm (measured from the front panel)
• Current Draw:
+12V: +40 mA
-12V: -30 mA
• single SMD PCB design