Basic Soldering

You probably thought about starting or expanding your modular synthesizer. With a lot of manufacturers offering DIY options for their modules, it's also considerable to start building them yourself and save a few bucks.In case you have a lot of patience and some handworking skills, you don't mind to spend hours soldering instead of making music or play your synths, you should try it out.If you are new to Synth DIY and never soldered before, this page should help you to set up your Lab. If you already built some modules, this might still be helpful or interesting.

Difficulty Levels
In the Product description of our DIY modules, you can find difficulty Levels and approximate time required to build. Ranging from 1 to 10:
Level 1 is very beginner friendly, with only Jacks, Potentiometers etc. to solder.
Build time: less than 1 hour.
Level 5 is where some steps require your close attention to avoid mistakes.
Build Time: around 2-5 hours
Level 10 specifies very complex PCBs with high component count and tight placements. This is only recommended for very experienced builders, with confidence to solder without mistakes and/or the skillset to identify and fix those.
Build Time: more than 8 hours