CubuSynth - Dual Vintage VCA
CubuSynth - Dual Vintage VCA
- size: 8hp
- dual mono or single stereo audio VCA
- 10 pin eurorack power connection
13 mA +12V
13 mA -12V
The CubuSynth Dual Vintage VCA is a nice sounding, zero bleed, analog Voltage controlled amplifier based on the LM13700 Dual OTA. It can work as two independent VCAs or as a stereo unit, and CV input 1 on channel 1 is normalized to the CV input 1 on channel 2. (same signal can control both Channels)
The Original concept is designed by Tom Wiltshire aka "Electric Druid". [more info]
Sets the Amplitude for each channel.
Attenuates the Control voltage from CV input (3)
3 CV
CV input for the amplitude Modulation. The input on channel 2 is
normalized from CV on channel 1 when nothing is plugged in.
4 CV2
A second CV input for amplitude modulation, without attenuator
5 IN
Input for Audio Signal
Output for the Audio Signal