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CubuSynth - ConseQuencer

Regular price €478,47 EUR
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16 step Sequencer and Touch Controller for generative Melodies

The CubuSynth ConseQuencer is a powerful tool to create generative, randomized, and complex sequences and melodies on the fly. Featuring touch-activated step selection, versatile gate modes, and configurable CV outputs, this sequencer offers unique possibilities and control over every note. With built-in clock generation and division, five sequencer modes, and a pitch quantizer, the ConseQuencer influences the behaviour of every note that makes part of your Melody, ensuring dynamic and evolving patterns. Perfect for both live performance and studio production, the ConseQuencer brings your musical ideas to life with precision and flexibility.


Key features

  • Touch-Activated Step Selection:
    Instantly activate and set start points with intuitive touch plates.

  • Five Gate Modes per step: 
    Choose from HOLD, TRIGGER, REPEAT, RANDOM, and OFF for versatile step behavior.

  • Dual CV Outputs:
    One Quantized Pitch output from the faders plus a second CV output

  • Clock Division Control: 
    Adjust the clock cycles per step with a five-position switch for complex rhythmic patterns.

  • Built-In Clock Generator:
    Internal clock with external sync capabilities, ensuring seamless integration.

  • Sequencing Modes:
    Five modes including Forward, Backward, Flip, Random, and Off for flexible sequencing.

  • Touch Output:
    5V gate output for “Keyboard” mode

  • Pitch Quantizer:
    Seven selectable scales for precise pitch quantization and musicality.

  • Modular Integration:
    CV inputs and outputs are compatible with other modular systems for expanded creativity.

  • Real-Time Control:
    Perform live adjustments with ease, perfect for dynamic performance and studio sessions.



    - Size: 42HP x 3U / 212mm x 128.5mm
    - Depth: 25mm (measured from the front panel)
    - Max. Current Draw:
    +12V: +40mA
    -12V: 0mA
    +5V: 0mA

    Built Module / ready to use


    User Manual